We love partnering with environmentally-focused brands that are actively creating a better world for people and planet. Here’s a snapshot of the types of videos we can create.

Do You Need a Brand Video?

The importance of brand videos cannot be overstated (yes we are aware of our own bias). As consumers increasingly seek engaging and authentic content, companies need to leverage the powerful medium of video production and photography to establish meaningful connections with their audiences. Need more reasons as to why brand videos are a crucial asset for businesses of all sizes? We’ve got some for you, below.

Captivating Visual Storytelling

Brand videos allow companies to tell their story in their own voices, through visually appealing imagery. By combining stunning imagery with sound a captivating narrative, videos have the ability to evoke emotions and leave a lasting impression on viewers. This heightened level of engagement sets brand videos apart from other forms of content.

Boosting Brand Awareness

A well-crafted brand video can significantly enhance your company's visibility and brand recognition. With the potential to reach a wide and diverse audience across various platforms, videos serve as a powerful tool for increasing brand exposure. This increased visibility translates into higher brand recall and recognition.

Google: The Final Boss

In video games or a really epic D&D campaign, conquering the final boss is a feat unto itself. The same goes for Google. This fickle beast is hard to tame but we know one things is true for right now: Google prioritizes video content in search results. By incorporating videos on your website and sharing them on platforms like YouTube, you increase the likelihood of your content being discovered by potential customers. This can lead to higher search engine rankings, ultimately driving more organic traffic to your site. Master The Google, and the whole world will be open to you.

Enhanced Customer Engagement

Videos provide an immersive experience that captures and maintains viewers’ dwindling attention spans. People aren’t keen to read a lengthy ‘about us’ or blog post on why a brand video is a vital asset for your company (if you’ve made it this far, we are forever grateful). That’s why you need a video explaining all the things you want your potential new client or customer to know. This heightened level of engagement encourages viewers to spend more time on your website, leading to a lower bounce rate. Additionally, interactive features like clickable links and embedded calls-to-action within videos can further enhance user engagement.

Still with us?

Then we must have established trust and credibility. Perhaps it was the video on our ‘about us’ page or one of these ‘highlight reels’ that shows you we go beyond just pushing some buttons. Brand videos help establish trust and credibility. When consumers feel a genuine connection with a brand, they are more likely to trust its products or services. Brand videos offer a unique opportunity to showcase your team, facilities, and company culture, reinforcing trust with your audience.

Versatility and Shareability

Brand videos are incredibly versatile and can be repurposed across various marketing channels. Whether it's on your website, social media platforms, email campaigns, or presentations, videos can be adapted to suit different contexts and messaging. Furthermore, videos are highly shareable, making it easy for your audience to spread the word about your brand.

Demonstrating Product or Service Value

Through demonstrations, testimonials, and case studies, brand videos effectively communicate the value and benefits of your products or services. Seeing how a product works or hearing from satisfied customers can significantly influence a potential buyer's decision-making process.

Let’s Make a Video

Now that we’ve talked shop, here’s our real pitch: we’re a hell of a good time to hang out with. Connect with us and we will, at the very least, buy you a cup of joe. At most? You’ll get a killer brand video and may wind up on a raft with us floating some stretch of the Colorado River.